全球变暖已成为全球关注的问题,而过度的碳排放被认为是主要原因,这引起了人们对低碳转型的广泛关注。根据欧盟统计数据,汽车尾气排放约占二氧化碳总排放的12% 。为促进低碳转型,欧盟在2019年制定严格的强制性减排标准(欧盟2019标准),那些达不到标准的品牌必须支付额外的排放附加费作为环境影响罚款。值得注意的是,欧盟允许汽油汽车通过汇集它们的碳排放与电动汽车合作。由于电动汽车品牌在使用中的排放可以为零,因此如果购买和转售电动汽车,汽油汽车的平均碳排放可以降低,达到欧盟2019标准。这使得汽油车在不关闭汽油车业务的情况下避免了处罚。也有助于电动汽车品牌增加销量。本文构建了三个模型,研究了汽油汽车在面对欧盟2019标准的严格要求时的策略选择。
1. 无论是在处罚策略还是联营策略下,欧盟2019标准都会损害汽油汽车品牌的利润,汽油汽车品牌的策略选择遵循一个关于超额排放溢价的阈值策略,高于此阈值的策略更倾向于联营策略。
2. 在联营策略下,电动汽车品牌的利润将会增加,从而与汽油汽车品牌实现双赢。
3. 除了使用阶段外,汽车生产阶段也有碳排放,因此我们制定了一个包括生产和使用两个阶段的碳排放的终生环境性能指标。有趣的是,我们发现,严格的碳排放标准并不一定会带来更好的环境表现。这一发现可能非常有见地,因为它揭示了一个事实,即欧盟2019标准不是万能的。
driven by the eu 2019 low-carbon emission standard for automobile industry, gasoline car brands such as fiat have considered either to (1) pay penalty or (2) cooperate with e-vehicle brands such as tesla to “pool” their carbon emissions. these two strategies result in corresponding supply chain structures where the latter has cooperation relationship between automobile brands because the gasoline car brand has to purchase and resell e-vehicles. in this paper, we study under what conditions the gasoline car brand will choose the “pooling strategy”, which promotes low-carbon transformation. we show that the gasoline car brand’s profit will always be hurt by the “eu 2019 standard”, but a sufficiently high excess emission premium can successfully induce the gasoline car brand to choose the “pooling strategy”. we then develop a lifetime environmental performance index and find that, interestingly, a tighter carbon emissions standard may result in worse environmental performance.